My Aim – ‘Is to raise the awareness for those suffering from PTSD that you are not alone’.
My Objectives are to:
- Increase the knowledge of PTSD among those with the illness,
- Increase the awareness of PTSD for supporters of those suffering the illness,
- Introduce a trusted forum to communicate in a safe environment and share experiences, and
- Share the success stories of those who have overcome PTSD
This website is for PTSD sufferers of all walks of life whether you are from the Military, Police, Ambulance, or Fire Service or have suffered any form of trauma or abuse. We all have the similar symptoms and issues so I invite you to use this website as a place to read about others stories related to PTSD, tell your story, find research items and tell your family and friends they to are not alone. You can choose what and how you want to say your piece and decide if you want to remain anonymous – it’s up to you!
Disclaimer: This is not a professional medical service, if you require medical attention or if you just want to talk to a professional then contact your doctor/general practitioner, local or national mental health service.
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