Operation Transition is a month long event, with a one-day, on-location military presentation in 6 cities (please find attached fliers). During this month, veterans who cannot make it to a location will also have the opportunity to schedul e a phone consultation with our recruitment consultants to ask questions and learn about transitioning into the workplace, as well as resume and interview tips. We have many wonderful speakers lined up from Men’s Warehouse, LinkedIn and CareerBuilder in addition to our own recruitment experts. HRO Today in conjunction with CareerBuilder are teaming up with us to conduct a onetime recap webinar open to all veterans who are unable to attend an on-site presentation or phone consultation. This webinar is tentatively scheduled for late November or early December. Webinar, phone consultations, assessments and onsite presentations are free to veterans. Two of our sponsors will also be offering additional services for veterans. The Devine Group will be offering a core strengths identifier; while Men’s Wearhouse will be offering a 50% off coupon to veterans to help prepare them for the workforce.
For more information please visit our Facebook page, Operation Transition or check out our article on CareerBuilder. To sign up for this event, please visit: http://wilsonhcg.com/content/33/Operation-Transition.aspx Thank you so much for helping us spread the word about this amazing event!

Operation Transition In the military, dedicated men and women contribute to a disciplined, motivated and successful team. WilsonHCG recognizes their commitment and loyalty with deep gratitude
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